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Ib Bluitgen

1921 - 2013

Ib Bluitgen finished his silversmiths apprenticeship at Georg Jensen in 1941 with a silver medal. From 1945-1948 he studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Arts under Einar Utzon-Frank, then proceeded to Paris to continue his studies. In 1948 he exhibited at the Artist's Autumn Exhibition as a sculptor, before being employed later in the same year at Georg Jensen. He started out as a close employee of the present artistic leader Harald Nielsen.

In 1950 Bluitgen became the leader of Georg Jensen's design studio. And from 1950-1961 he was part of the group of architects, designers and artisans that made Mid-Century Danish design world famous.

He left Georg Jensen in 1961 and opened his own studio in Birkeroed the same year. After leaving Georg Jensen he continued to design gold and silver hollowware, as well as designing within other areas.

Bluitgen has had several major exhibitions in Milan, Paris, London and New York and is represented at Koldinghus Museum and the Design Museum Denmark.

Designed by Ib Bluitgen

  • Georg Jensen Sterling Silver Tea Set 984

    kr. 40,000 1 in stock
    Contact us for more information
  • Georg Jensen Sterling Silver Mustard Pot 1020 by Ib Bluitgen

    kr. 5,500 1 in stock
    Contact us for more information

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    30 years of working passionately with fine silver

    Founder Greg Pepin is one of the world’s most knowledgeable and passionate experts in heritage Georg Jensen silver. His well-renowned expertise has taken him across the globe and offered him many roles in the silver industry.